
Labinsky Alexander1


1. Saint Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia


The article considers the features of cryptographic protocols used to protect data transmitted over a computer network. Due to the increase in the number of network attacks, the urgency of the problem of network security is constantly increasing. The cryptographic protocol contains a description of the structures used and a set of rules governing the use of cryptographic transformations and algorithms in information communication processes between two or more participants. The article provides classification of cryptographic protocols on various features and considers security properties of protocols, characterizing their resistance to various attacks. The SSL data encryption protocol, which uses asymmetric cryptography for key authentication, symmetric encryption to preserve confidentiality and authentication codes to verify message integrity, is discussed in detail. The SSL protocol has been widely used in recent years for instant messaging and IP voice transmission in applications such as e-mail, Internet fax and others. The article deals with encryption and hashing of data (MD5, SHA-1, DES encryption algorithms). Computer models of data encryption (DES algorithm), text data checksum calculation (CRC32 algorithm) and password character matching were developed according to the algorithms considered. The computer models were implemented as computer programs, with the first two models as console programs and the third model as a program with graphical interface.


St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia

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