
Labinsky Alexander1


1. Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia


The following are considered:  principles and means of ensuring the security of a corporate network, as well as features of virtual private networks that provide reliable protection and secure data transmission;  principles and measures to ensure the security of the corporate network, as well as the types of information protection provided by these security measures;  virtual private networks (VPNs) that provide a secure encrypted user connection to the network. Using a VPN provides reliable data protection, masking the user's geolocation, access to regional content and secure data transfer;  systems for detecting and preventing network hacking threats, among which the main focus is on the Kali Linux software package, as well as features of the Windows subsystem for Linux and Windows network monitoring tools;  Windows network monitoring tools, including utilities that work in console command-line mode and allow you to check the availability of remote personal computers and diagnose the connection. The Kali Linux software package is a distribution package for the Linux operating system that has more than 600 preinstalled network penetration testing programs. Among the features of the package, the article discusses the search and exploitation of network vulnerabilities, checking the correct configuration of the SSL certificate and open ports, tracing the data transfer route, checking the availability of servers and searching for network problems.


St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia

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