1. Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
2. Universidade Estadual do Paraná
Objectives: To understand the pro!le of professionals trained in the solid organ donation process, to analyze the result of their learning before and after the course, and to correlate the pro!le and the performance of the professional with the learning and indication of the course. Methods: Retrospective, quantitative, analytical-descriptive study with participants of the course Processo de Doação de Órgãos Sólidos para Pro!ssionais de Saúde. Online questionnaires were used on professional pro!le, performance in the area of organ donation, knowledge assessment, and course indication. "e analyses and correlations were veri!ed with the McNemar test, Spearman's rank, and the bisserial point. Results: Of the 130 professionals, 62% were nurses, 38% physicians, 35% emergency physicians, 26% intensivists, and 42% had more than 10 years of training. For the pro!le of work in the area of organ donation, the professionals report having participated in up to !ve cases in each of the following stages: 44% were involved in the brain death protocol, 56% in the family interview, and 60% in the organ donation process. "e class knowledge retention rate was 26.7%, with 29.5% for physicians and 24.8% for nurses. "e indication of the course was evaluated following the Net Promoter Score (NPS), being in the promoters zone. "e correlation between the groups was positive and statistically signi!cant for those working in the emergency room, with more than 5 years since graduation and with more than !ve cases reported on the questioned stages of organ donation. No signi!cant correlation was identi!ed between these variables and the indication of the course. Conclusion: "e course contributed to the learning of professionals with more training time, greater previous experience in the stages of the organ donation process, and working in the emergency sector.
Associacao Brasileira de Transplantes de Orgaos
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