A Review on “The In-vitro Study of Anticoagulant Activity of Different Plant Extract”


Mohini Pandurang Chaudhari 1,Payal Rajendra Wavhal 1,Madhuri Neharkar 1,Rumana Chaugule 1,Nutan Bhagwat Yewale 1,Prof. Mr. Sagar E. Tambe 1


1. Samarth Institute of Pharmacy, Belhe, Maharashtra., India


The aim of this review is to evaluate the plant extract which show highest anticoagulant activity. There are different plant extract to show the anticoagulant activity. On the basis of this study to know about which plant show maximum anticoagulant activity and which plant has minimum anticoagulant activity. The plants used are naturally obtained. They have other pharmacological properties but some plant have significant anticoagulant activity. The plant used for studied are Myrciaria plinioides, Terminalia bellerica, Gymnema sylvestre, Jatropa gossypiifolia, Allium sativum , Curcuma longa,Rubus ulmifolius, Gymnema sylvestre. Among these plant the Gymnema sylvestre has maximum anticoagulant activity, and the other plant show a significant anticoagulant activity. The prothrombin test, activated prothrombin test , thrombin test, recalcification method were used for the in vitro test of anticoagulant activity. The extract of plant were obtained by various extraction process such as maceration, soxhlet extraction, decoction method etc.


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