1. Anjuman College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
With advanced technologies in this digital era, there is always scope for development in the field of computing. Hands free computing is in demand as of today it addresses the needs of quadriplegics. This paper presents a Human computer interaction (HCI) system that is of great importance to amputees and those who have issues with using their hands. The system built is an hand gesture-based interface that acts as a computer mouse to translate finger movements towards the mouse cursor actions with this we have implemented eye recognition/ detection. The system in discussion makes use of a simple webcam and its software requirements arespyder(anaconda 3), OpenCV, NumPy and a few other packages which are necessary for gesture recognition. The gesture detector can be built using the HOG (Histogram of oriented Gradients) feature along with a linear classifier, and the sliding window technique. It is hands free, and no external hardware or sensors are required..
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