1. Department of Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India
2. Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India
Geopolymer concrete can be the future of the conventional concrete and it can be used as replacement agent instead of conventional concrete in construction work along with that the GPC is eco friendly in nature as it does not emits CO2 in atmosphere so it is helpful to reduce the Greenhouse effect. The material used for the manufacturing of GPC are Binder’s and Actuators. Birder’s are obtained from the thermal power plant also known as fly ash and actuator consist of the sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide, calcium chloride, sodium thiocyanate, potassium thiocyanate, etc. By combing these acceleration and Binder’s with other concrete material the process of Geopolymeration starts. The objective of these study is to give a detailed review on the geopolymer concrete mix design, compressive behavior, flexural and split tensile behavior and chemical acid resistance when immersed in sopheric acid and nitric acid by using various research paper and the test result difference of conventional concrete and geopolymer concrete. Based on that a review is prepared.
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