1. Brahmdevdada Mane Institute of Technology, Belati, Solapur, India
Machine Learning plays a virtual role from past years in normal speech command, product recommendation. This all of things shows that ML is trending technology in almost all fields so we are trying to coined up ML in our project. Nowadays the real estate market is a standout amongst the most focused regarding pricing and keep fluctuating. People are looking to buy a new home with their budgets and by analyzing market strategies. But main disadvantage of current system is to calculate a price of house without necessary prediction about future market trends and result is price increase. So, the main aim of our project is to predict accurate price of house without any loss. There are many factors that have to be taken into consideration for predicting house price and try to predict efficient house pricing for customers with respect to their budget as well as also according to their priorities. So, we are creating a housing cost prediction model. By using Machine learning algorithms like Linear Regression. This model will help people to put resources into a bequest without moving towards a broker. The result of this research gives maximum accuracy.
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