Sports and Physical Education are Important in Indian Culture


Mr. Shaikh Azhar Shaikh Babar 1,Dr. Mohd Rafiq Ejaz Siddiqui 1


1. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India


Physical Education & Sports forms an important part of educational system even when it never received the importance it deserves. Even though it is included as part of the curriculum from the early stages of education, it has never been taken seriously by the educational administrators, the academicians and the students. Physical Education is the only profession where you talk as well as play / perform. The concept of Physical Education in the mind of general public is big round, play & play and no work. Abraham Lincoln quoted in one of his address, “Sportsman is the best Ambassador of the Nation.” Hence, the Physical Education Director/Teacher can also be the best Ambassador of our Institution / University. At present compare to earlier years and now we can come across the decline of physical education in education compare to present is one needs to overcome the hurdles and battles to improve the structure and infrastructure status in around to develop the overall discipline in physical education and sports


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Reference6 articles.

1. Kales M. L. & Sangria M. S. “Physical and History of Physical Education”, Parkas Brothers, Ludhiana 1988. |

2. Chu Donald, “Dimension of Sports Studies”, John Wiley & Sons, New York Chic ester Brisbane Toronto Singapore 1982 | SethumadhavaRao V. S. “Brand Image of Physical Education”, HPE Forum 2October 2002):1-3. |

3. Connor-Kuntz &Dummer. (1996) Teaching across the curriculum: language-enriched physical education for preschool children. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, vol. 13, pp. 302-315. |

4. Gail Brenner (2003) Webster's New World American Idioms Handbook.Webster's New World.Nathan M. Murata(2003)Language Augmentation Strategies in Physical Education The Journal of Physical Education,Recreation & Dance, Vol. 74. |

5. Shephard, R. J., Jequier, J. C., LaBarre, R., and Rajie, M. (1980). Habitual physical activity. |







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