1. Priyadarshini J. L. College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
As accidents are increasing day by day, hence many laws and regulations are posed by the government to avoid these accidents. Accidents can be defined as unplanned events or mistakes that may occur resulting in injury and sometimes it also leads to death. The accidents in case other two-wheelers compared to other vehicles. This may be avoided by wearing helmets and riding vehicles without consuming alcohol. A helmet is a form of protective gear worn to keep safe the head from injuries. More specifically, the helmet aids the skull in protecting the brain. A smart helmet can detect the accident's locations also save lives and makes two-wheeler driving safer than previously. This survey is on the smart helmet for accidence avoidance and also examines various related techniques. This research also helps to understand IoT technology which is being emerged nowadays. Smart helmet system helps to provide safety and security to two-wheeler riders.
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