Research on Facebook


Mr. Venkatesh Bhat 1,Kartik Tomar 1,Kartika M 1,Ishwar Pavan 1


1. Alva's Institute of Engineering and Technology, Tenkamijar, Karnataka, India


Facebook, which has over 800 million active users, is transforming how hundreds of millions of people interact and exchange information. As social scientists examine the influence of Facebook on social life, a fast rising body of study has accompanied the stratospheric development of Facebook. Furthermore, scholars have acknowledged Facebook's potential as a unique tool for In a realistic situation, monitor behaviour, test theories, and recruit volunteers. Facebook research, on the other hand, Results from a wide range of fields have been published in a number of publications and conference proceedings .It's challenging to keep track of all of the discoveries. And, because Facebook is such a new phenomena, there is a lot of ambiguity. There is still debate over the best efficient techniques to do Facebook research. The authors undertook a study to address these concerns. 412 relevant papers were found after a thorough literature search, and they were divided into five categories: a descriptive examination Users motives for using Facebook, identity presentation, Facebook's function in social interactions, and privacy are all well as information disclosure. The literature review serves as a framework for evaluating current results and making recommendations. Proposals for future study on Facebook and online social networks in general to the field.


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