1. Pravara Rural College of Pharmacy, Pravaranagar, Maharashtra, India
The present review foregrounds the Pharmacognosy, phytochemistry and medicinal study of Garedniagummifera. There are several formulations extracted from Gardeniagummifera are currently distributed progressively everywhere the map. This has given rise to a associated increase in analysis on the phytochemical constituents and biological activity of Gardenia gummifera. It's belongs to Rubiaceae family and it’s widely used for antispasmodic, carminative, anthelmintic activities in ayurvedic system of drugs. primarily in fruit had wealthy worth of medicine, antiradical and insecticidal properties relatively alternative elements of plant of gardeniagummifera, however the full plant of Gardeniagummifera having medicine activities like antispasmodic, carminative, anthelmintic, diaphoretic and medicine. The aim of review on explicit plant is many folks medicines in use are obtained from medicinal plants, minerals and organic matter. Throughout the past many years, there has been enlarge attentiveness among the uses of varied medicinal plants from the modern system of drugs for the treatment of various diseases. Gardeniagummifera utilized in drugs as a house remedy for many aliments. This review provides details of the Morphology, Microscopy (Pharmacognostic study), Phytochemical screening and medicine exploration on the Gardeniagummifera species for further research work.
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