1. MLB Government Paramedical Training College, Jhansi, UP, India
2. SRMS College of Nursing, Bareilly, UP, India
The normal healthy adult can consumes food orally. Patients who are unconscious, surgery on throat, paralysis of soft palate, requires nasogastric tube feeding. In hospitals, nutrition may refer to the food requirements of patients, including nutritional solutions delivered via an IV (intravenous) or fluid food delivered by Nasogastric tube. It refers to the process of placing a soft plastic Nasogastric through a patient’s nostril, past the pharynx down the esophagus in to the patient stomach.
The most common indication for inserting a Nasogastric tube is to deliver tube feeding to patients when they are unable to eat especially, Patient who have undergone neck or facial surgery or patient on mechanical ventilation. It is used to empty the stomach when accidental poisoning or drug overdose has occurred, and it is also used to remove air that accumulate in the stomach during cardio pulmonary Resuscitation. It is used to remove the stomach content after major trauma or surgery to prevent aspiration of the stomach content. Placing Nasogastric tube helps to prevent Nausea and vomiting by removing stomach contents and preventing distension of the stomach other a patient has a bleeding ulcer, bowel obstruction, or other gastrointestinal disease. It helps to be inserted to take samples of stomach contents for laboratory studies and to test for pressure of the gastrointestinal tract.
Materials and Methods:
A quasi-experimental single group pre-test post-test design to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding various methods to check the placement of nasogastric tube in patients. The study conducted on 50student nurses. Data was collected in the month of August - September 2022. Data was collected using structured questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding various methods to check the placement of nasogastric tube in patients.
The data revealed that, the significant level stated as P<0.05. Overall pre-test mean score was 16.92. The overall post-test mean score was 26.32. The comparison was analyzed by using paired ‘t’ test and value was 23.20. This was found statistically significant at < 0.05 level of degree of freedom. Then final findings were associated with demographic variable in educational status was significant and other demographical variable such as age, gender, current residence, previous source of information was not significant.
Conclusion: After the detailed analysis of the study it shows that structured teaching program on knowledge regarding various methods to check the placement of nasogastric tube is effective in enhancing knowledge about same among student nurses. A relationship between the students and the teachers helps to empower the knowledge in the students to deal adequately with the patients with nutritional needs.
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