1. Institute of Technology & Management, Gwalior, India
Artificial intelligence is an analysis of how algorithms can do things that humans are doing differently right now. It is machine intelligence it industry that aims to create it. Researchers around the world have developed a lot of interest in the fake trend of news detection. Several social science research on the effect of false knowledge and how people respond to it have been conducted. Fake news would be any material that is not accurate and created to encourage its viewers to believe in something Fake. Data mining classification is a methodology focused on algorithms for machine learning that uses mathematics, probability, distributions of probabilities, or artificial intelligence. The new and hot topic of deep learning in machine learning can be described as a cascade of layers conducting non-linear processing to achieve many levels of data representation. Data preprocessing faces many particular problems that have resulted in a set of algorithms and heuristic strategies for preprocessing activities such as blending and washing, the recognition of users and sessions, etc. In this review paper, we researched, Artificial intelligence, Data preprocessing, Fake news detection, deep learning as well as we described the various classification techniques
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