Product Recommendation and Billing System Using Smart Trolley Based on IOT


Gayatri L. Pokharkar 1,Sakshi S. Thorat 1,Akshada A. Thorat 1,Prof. Priyanka S. Bramhane 1


1. Samarth Group of Institution and College of Engineering, Belhe, Maharashtra, India


In this modern twenty-first century almost all families like to spend time shopping in malls, shopping complexes, and retail stores. In all these shops people usually carry trolleys on their own in which they collect the desired items and then locomote the trolley to the billing counter where they have to wait in long queues, but nowadays there is a need to convert the old traditional trolley with a modern automatic trolley, which is exactly our project. The main idea of the project is to automate the process of shopping in such a manner that we will scan the products using RFID attached to the products and an RFID reader attached to the trolley as well as display the total amount on the Android mobile screen. We also have included a feature to send a message to the customer's registered mobile number. This process not only helps in reducing the waiting time in the long queues and moving the trolley automatically but also helps in managing and checking the budget while shopping which indeed provides a huge difference in their shopping experience as well.


Naksh Solutions

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