Smart Dustbin


Pradeep V 1,Sathwik KD 1,Shashidhar 1,Sharavi R Rai 1,Sateesh Dyavappa Sathyannavar 1


1. Alvas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mijar, India


The production of waste is rising as urbanisation spreads quickly. Waste management is an important factor to take into account in public areas when waste overflows from the bins and may cause various diseases. The goal of the current effort is to create a smart dustbin model that can be successfully deployed in public areas of smart cities. The model includes two trash cans, designated as Dustbin A and Dustbin B, which will primarily be kept in public spaces. Dustbin B cannot be used until Dustbin A is completely full, however Dustbin A may be utilised. Once Dustbin A is full, Dustbin B can only be utilised since Dustbin A won’t open until the garbage in Dustbin A is removed. Every time a trash can is full, a communication is sent to the appropriate authority. This will prevent the trash can from overflowing. Depending on whether an obstruction is present, trash cans have an automatic close and open feature. Our system uses an ultrasonic sensor to measure the quantity of trash in the trash cans, IR sensors to detect the existence of obstacles, and a GSM system to send information to the authorised control room..


Naksh Solutions

Reference4 articles.

1. G. S. Rohit, M. B. Chandra, S. Saha and D. Das, ”Smart Dual Dustbin Model for Waste Management in Smart Cities,” 2018 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), Pune, India, 2018, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/I2CT.2018.8529600.

2. Chaudhary, Varun, et al. ”Smart dustbin.” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 6.05 (2019): 2395-0056.

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4. Rajapandian, B., et al. ”Smart dustbin.” International Journal of Engi- neering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) 8.6 (2019): 4790-4795







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