1. Sarhad College of Arts Commerce and Science, Pune, Maharashtra, India
In the 1950s, the science of machine learning was discovered and developed as a branch of artificial intelligence. Although machine learning had its beginnings in the 1950s, there had not been any noteworthy advances or research in this field. But study in this area was revived, expanded, and continues to this day in the 1990s. This is a science that will continue to advance. This development is the result of the challenge of processing and analyzing the ever-growing amount of data. Because there is an increasing amount of data, machine learning is predicated on the idea of selecting the best model from the existing data to fit the new data. a. As a result, research on machine learning will continue with the growth of data. The history of machine learning, its application domains, research methodologies, and related topics are all covered in this study. The purpose of this study is to educate academics about machine learning, a field that is rapidly gaining popularity these days, and its applications