1. SND College of Engineering and Research Center, Yeola, India
Educational organizations are one of the important parts of our society and playing a vital role for growth and development of any nation. For that getting appropriate student performance analysis is of most important. We are proposing a system which involves student performance indicator. The Student Academic Performance Indicator is a comprehensive system designed to assess and evaluate the educational progress and achievements of students in an academic institution. This system utilizes a variety of data sources, including grades, attendance records, and standardized test scores, to provide insights into a student's academic performance. Through data analysis and visualization, the Student Academic Performance Indicator helps educators and administrators identify trends and patterns in student performance. It not only highlights areas where students excel but also identifies potential areas of improvement. This tool serves as a valuable resource for educators to make data-driven decisions, implement targeted interventions, and support student success. By leveraging technology and data analytics, the Student Academic Performance Indicator contributes to the enhancement of the overall educational experience, enabling institutions to tailor their educational strategies to meet the unique needs of each student. This abstract provides an overview of the importance and utility of this system in promoting academic excellence and fostering student growth
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