1. Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
The main purpose of this paper is to improve the automation system at home using the Arduino keyboard with Bluetooth controlled by any Android OS smart phone. Technology and electronics have become commonplace in the last year of technology. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of the Home Automation System in conjunction with Home Housing and the best features of home automation with remote access. In this research project part of the smart home technology, Bluetooth on a smart phone is used, so it is cheap and usable. The app includes four main features: an Arduino keyboard, a Bluetooth signal transmission module, a music speaker and an Android-powered smartphone to control devices. By using the smart phone app, we can control household items and provide security to deter people. The idea of paper is to control household items to avoid the risk of electric shock and ease of use for people with disabilities who have easy access and control of household items by staying in a certain place.
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