1. Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Shegaon, Maharashtra, India
In this fast paced technological era, where huge quantity of information is generating on the internet day by day. Since the dotcom bubble burst back in 2000, technology has radically transformed our societies. So, it is necessary to provide the better mechanism to extract the useful information fast and most effectively. Automatic text summarization is one of the methods of identifying the important meaningful information in a document or set related document and compressing them into a shorter version preserving its overall meanings. It reduces the time required for reading whole document and also it reduces space that is needed for storing large amount of data. Automatic Text summarization has two approaches 1) Abstractive text summarization and 2) Extractive text summarization. In extractive text summarization only important information or sentence are extracted from the given text file or original document. Here we will discuss on extractive text summarization using sentence scoring and sentence ranking method.