A Review Article on Formulation of Poly- Herbal Hand Wash with Antimicrobial Activity


Sanap Sumedha S. 1,Shingote Kishori S 1,Supe Nikita M 1,Prof. Datkhile Sachin V 1


1. Samarth Institute of Pharmacy, Belhe, Pune, Maharashtra, India


Hand hygiene is vital principle and exercise in the prevention, control and reduction of health care acquired infections. To avoid the adverse effects like itching, irritation, dermatitis etc.,of the synthetic hand wash formulations an attempt has been made to formulate a polyherbal hand wash by using herbs which have antimicrobial property. The ethanolic extracts of leaves of Mimosa pudica (touch me not), Azadirachtaindica(neem). The antimicrobial activity of prepared hand wash formulations was checked against skin pathogens Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli. herbal formulations showed significant antimicrobial activity than the commercially available standard hand wash(synthetic-dettol, herbal-pathanjali). So these plants materials can be used in the preparation of herbal hand wash on commercial scale.


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General Medicine

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