Web 3.0 Redefining Social Networking with Decentralization


Prathamesh Shrikant Ovhal 1,Parth Sunil Sukhu 1,Aarti Arun Gaikwad 1,Aniket Laxman Ghanwat 1


1. Suman Ramesh Tulsiani Technical Campus, Faculty of Engineering, Khamshet, Pune, Maharashtra, India


This current web 2.0 has primarily centered on connecting people through the advent of social media platforms, with a predominant focus on the application layer. As we envision the path to web 3.0, various perspectives emerge some advocate for a semantic web, while others emphasize the significance of the virtual web. This paper introduces an alternative perspective, which centers on the decentralized web as the future of the internet. To advance the web, it is imperative to address both existing issues and the challenges that have arisen from these platforms. The decentralized web concentrates on the development of underlying protocols and technologies, often transparent to end users. In the context of this paper, we examine the contemporary issues of web 2.0, introduce the DappMint project, and explore the innovative technologies currently under development to redefine the web landscape. As we envision the path to web 3.0, DappMint reimagines a decentralized web, addressing existing issues and introducing emerging technologies, thus redefining the web landscape for the future. This transformation aims to create a web ecosystem that empowers users while ensuring privacy, security, and resilience in the digital age.


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