An IOT-Based Smart Parking System
Container-title:International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology
Mr. Nivrutti Pete 1, Mr. Vansh Sharma 1, Mr. Atharva Bhojne 1, Prof. Neha Dumne 1, Dr. Bhausaheb E. Shinde 1
1. Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Pune, India
In recent years, idea of sophisticated cities has been increasingly popular. With progress of IoT, the concept of a smart city has become attainable. Uninterrupted efforts are being made in the field of IoT to enhance the efficiency and solidity of urban infrastructure. The Internet of Things (IoT) addresses congestion, limited parking availability at companies, and street security. This study presents a smart parking platform that utilizes IoT technology and cloud coordinates. One of the components of the proposed Shrewd Stopping infrastructure in on-site IOT module that tracks or displays the accessibility status of every parking space. Users may check the availability of parking spots and make reservations based on that information using an adaptive application. Additionally, a summary of the framework architecture is given in the article. The research looks at the framework's capabilities using a use case that shows how accurate the recommended model is
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