1. Salem College of Engineering and Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
5G is the status of technology, which has the ability to create new interfaces for the daily used devices and networking components. 5G plays a major role in connecting larger number of users to provide smarter and faster communications. The design of this model is mainly designed to achieve performance with reduced bandwidth and better coverage, reliability, and latency. Mainly, the perception behind the wireless technology and 5G is to reduce the load and to steady the technical solutions to facilitate applications for better mobile communication and utilized with latest applications in the business environment. Therefore , IoT (Internet of Things) & 5G plays a vital role in mobile applications & network for eg.,smart watches, health applications, smart cards, smart cities.MMW( Millimeter wave) frequency spectrum is used to achieve transmission of large amount of data.
Reference10 articles.
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2. Sakshi Painuly, Priya Kohil, Priya Matta, Sachin Sharma.”Advance Applications and Further Challenges of 5G IOT”. Proceeding of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems(ICISS 2020).IEEE Xplore Part Number.CFP20M19-ART;ISBN:978-1-7281-7089-3.
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