"Admission Plus: The Flutter based student Enrolment System"


B. Venkatesh 1,R. Mohnishkumar 1,B. Vijayaragavan 1,R. Mohamed Yousuf 1,P.B. Venkatesh 1


1. Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College, Kovilvenni,Thiruvarur, India


Admission Plus is online student registration system project developed using Flutter framework. It is a mobile application for students and Anna University affiliated colleges that facilitates online application process. It reduces the manpower needed to facilitate an enrolment process. This mobile application can be accessed by student and all the affiliated colleges. Our application has two types of accessing modes, administrator and student. Student application management database is managed by the college administrator. It is the job of the administrator to admit and monitor the whole application process. Student’s login facilitates to apply for desired colleges by setting preferences and uploading the needed documents.


Naksh Solutions


General Medicine

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