Deep Learning in Robotics to Remove Ward of Weeds


Dr. Savithri V 1,Dr. R. Lakshmi Devi 1,Ms. R. Arul Mathi 1


1. Women’s Christian College, Chennai, India


Weeds are the problematic unwanted plants in the fields that causes, 33.16% yield loss in food crops, 41.26% in cereals, 31.88% in pulses, 40.82% in oilseeds, 34.23% in fiber crops, and 40.28% in rice crops. The Proposed System helps to optimization the work to yield in rice crop by removing weed that grows along crop, focusing on these issue is important as to yield the crops only with rice crop. This study focus on the issue in rice crop plant which grows along with weed (unwanted plant).New methodology introduced to remove the weed plant that grows with crop by the means of robotics. The image will be captured through drone in the field and the same frame co-ordinate forwarded to robotic designed with agriculture drone sensor which is coded using python to predict the accurate weed plant for statistical prediction. The robot locate the plant after comparing with the captured co-ordinates of drone with its own captured image and decide to pluck the weed plant grown along with crop


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