Machine Learning Model for IRIS Flower Classification using Tensor Flow and PyTorch


Vijayaragavan Dr. Kalaivazhi1,Prakathi S.1,Rajalakshmi S.1,Sandhiya M1


1. Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College, Thiruvarur, India


Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence, which is learning algorithms to make decision-based on data and try to behave like a human being. Classification is one of the most fundamental concepts in machine learning. It is a process of recognizing, understanding, and grouping ideas and objects into pre-set categories or sub-populations. Using precategorized training datasets, machine learning concept use variety of algorithms to classify the future datasets into categories. Classification algorithms use input training data in machine learning to predict the subsequent data that fall into one of the predetermined categories. To improve the classification accuracy design of neural network is regarded as effective model to obtain better accuracy. However, design of neural network is usually consider scaling layer, perceptron layers and probabilistic layer. In this paper, an enhanced model selection can be evaluated with training and testing strategy. Further, the classification accuracy can be predicted. Finally by using two popular machine learning frameworks: PyTorch and Tensor Flow the prediction of classification accuracy is compared. Results demonstrate that the proposed method can predict with more accuracy. After the deployment of our machine learning model the performance of the model has been evaluated with the help of iris data set.


Naksh Solutions

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