1. Design and Development of Arduino Based Contactless Thermometer |Md.Andullah AI Mamun, Mohammad Alamgir Hossain, M.Muntasir Rahman, Md. Ibrahim Abdullah, Md. Shaamim Hossain.
2. RFID based Contactless Body Temperature Screening using Arduino and MLX90614 IR Temperature Sensor.
3. Deeksha Srivatsavanal, Awanish Kesarwani2, Shivani Dubey3 (December 2020) “Measurement of Temperature and Humidity by using Arduino Tool and DHT11” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p-ISSN 2278-0072 Volume:05 Issue:12.
4. Ernest Edozie, Wantimbaj anat, Zaina Kalyan Kolo(June 2020)Design and Implementation of a Smart Hand Sanitizer Dispenser with Door Controller using AtMEGA328P, International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems(IJEAIS) Vol 4,Issue 6,Pages14-18.
5. Asst Prof. Giselle Ann Alcoran Alvarezl,Marc Brian Garcia2, Dave Unabia Alvarez3(July 2020)Automated Social distancing Gate with Non-Contact Body Temperature Monitoring using Arduino Uno, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET)e-ISSN:2395-0056 Volume 07,Issue 07,www.irjet.net