Geotrichum Candids Inciting Fruit Rot of Ivy Gourd in Synergistics Effect of Agrochemicals on Carbendazim


Vaishali S. Chatage 1


1. Kai. Rasika Mahavidyalaya, Deoni, Latur, M.S., India


There was variation in the MIC of carbendazim among the Geotrichumcandidus incitant of fruit rot of Ivy gourd (Cucurbitaceae) fruits and isolate on (CZA) CzapekDox agar medium plates. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) on CZA plates ranged from 4000 µg/ml while it was more resistant with resistant factor 2. Use of carbendazim with–other agrochemicals like Fungicides (mancozeb, copper oxychloride, chlorothalonil), Insecticides (phorate, chlorpyriphos and endosulfan), Herbicides (metribuzin, sodium salt and atrazine), Antibiotics (bacipen, ambistryn–s and penicillin), Salts (mercuric, chloride, stannous chloride and barium chloride), and Fertilizers (MOP, urea, 10:26:26) inhibited the growth of the pathogen in invitro studies.


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General Medicine

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