1. Janata Mahavidyalaya, Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India
Web services are applications that allow for communication between devices over the internet and are independent of the technology. The devices are built and use standardized eXtensible Markup Language (XML) for information exchange. A client or user is able to invoke a web service by sending an XML message and then gets back and XML response message. There are a number of communication protocols for web services that use the XML format such as Web Services Flow Language (WSFL), Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol(BEEP) etc. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Representational State Transfer (REST) are used options for accessing web services. It is not directly comparable that SOAP is a communications protocol while REST is a set of architectural principles for data transmission. In this paper, the data size of 1KB, 2KB, 4KB, 8KB and 16KB were tested each for Audio, Video and result obtained for CRUD methods. The encryption and decryption timings in milliseconds/seconds were recorded by programming extensibility points of a WCF REST web service in the Azure cloud..
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