Online Bus Pass Management System


Mrs. M. Jasmine Sagaya Jonita 1,Ms. V. Dharshini 1,Ms. V. Dharshini 1


1. Nirmala College for Women, Red fields, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


The project entitled “ONLINE BUSPASS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” this system is solution for the passengers who are facing problems with the current manual work of bus pass registration and renewal. Online bus pass Management system is helpful as it reduces the paper work, time consumption and makes the process of getting bus pass in simple and faster way. This initially user needs to register with the application by submitting their details through online.


Naksh Solutions


General Medicine

Reference8 articles.

1. R. Aravind Prasanna, S. Baskar, M. Hariharan, R. Prasanna Venkatesan, S. Swaminathan, “Efficient travel Using Smart Card and GPS Technology.”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Vol. 5, No. 3, June-July 2013.

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