Vibration Analysis and Experimental Testing of Existing 3-Wheeler Automotive Muffler Using Modal and FFT Analyzer


Kshitij Anil Waghmare 1,Shivali Jitendra Daware 1,Karishma Harun Inamdar 1,Harish Raju Fulsaunder 1


1. ISBM College of Engineering, Nande Village, Mulshi, Pune, Maharashtra, India


A muffler is a device used to reduce the noise and vibration of gas emitted by internal combustion engine. So, it become a necessary equipment in automobile to have a proper emission of gases to surrounding. Due to improper design some muffler decreases the mass flow rate due to which there is increase in fuel consumption, large pressure drops across its cross section and higher knock sensitivity. In present project existing 3-wheeler vehicle muffler is experimentally tested with FFT analyser (Impact Hammer Test) technique to determine the mode shapes, natural frequencies and thermal heat flux analysis and FEA analysis is performed in ANSYS software to validate the experimental results.


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