Assessment of the Cervical Spine Muscular Corset Functional State after the Surgical Treatable


Chesnikova Ekaterina I.1,Savelieva Ekaterina M.1,Eremushkin Mikhail A.1


1. National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology, Moscow, Russian Federation


Aim. To compare the results of testing on the David G140 and G160 simulators of patients 6 months after surgical treatment for degenerative lesions of the cervical spine with rehabilitation for a period of 3–4 months after surgical treatable included, with the results of patients 6 months after surgical treatable without rehabilitation. Material and methods. The study involved 28 patients. Among these: 15 patients had previously undergone rehabilitation for a period of 3–4 months after surgical treatable, 13 patients didn’t have prior rehabilitation. During testing, the range of motion in the cervical region and the strength characteristics of the extensor muscles, lateral flexors and rotators of the cervical spine were evaluated. Results. The results of patients who had undergone rehabilitation for a period of 3–4 months were better than of those patients without rehabilitation. Conclusion. The study allows us to conclude that it is important to test the muscles of the cervical region in order to assess their strength characteristics for the correct construction of the rehabilitation process in the postoperative period.


National Medical Research Center For Rehabilitation And Balneology


Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation

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