Innovative technologies in the treatment of humeroscapular pain syndrome at a health resort rehabilitation stage


Nikitin M.V.1,Konchugova T.V.1,Pavlovskiy S.A.1


1. National Research Medical Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology


In modern sanatorium-resort organizations there is an urgent need of effective innovative physiotherapeutic methods usage along with basic resort treatment, that is especially important for patients’ resort treatment duration reduction. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is evidence-based physiotherapeutic method. The aim of the study is to evaluate the high clinical efficacy of ESWT method in comparison with traditional methods of treatment at the sanatorium-resort complex «Vulan». Materials and methods: ESWT method effectiveness study was carried out in 111 people with shoulder joints and periarticular tissues pathology of various etiology aged 30-79 years (average age 45.5 years), disease duration from 1 year to 10-12 years (average 4.5 years). Results: According to the Swanson Score, in patients of the main group (n=57) «pain score» improved from 3.5 (before) to 8.3 (after), that is 2.3 times. “Activity in everyday life” raised from 4.7 to 8.6 (1.7 times), the volume of active movements increased from 3.2 to 7.9 (2.5 times). According to the Likert scale, patients reported a subjective improvement in their own well-being by 4.6 point. According to VAS scale a decrease in pain syndrome intensity was recorded (2.2 times in average). In patients of comparison group, who received basic resort treatment, positive changes were less significant. Conclusion: Objective and subjective data obtained in this study indicates a high clinical effect of ESWT in a complex health-resort treatment of patients with humeroscapular pain syndrome.


National Medical Research Center For Rehabilitation And Balneology


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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