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2. Borodulina I.V., Badalov N.G., Muhina A.A., Gushcha A.O. Ocenka ehff ektivnosti kompleksnogo lecheniya s primeneniem ritmicheskoj transkranialnoj magnitnoj stimulyacii i obshchih gidrogalvanicheskih vann u pacientov s poyasnichno krestcovoj radikulopatiej [Evaluation of the eff ectiveness of complex treatment with the use of rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation and General hydrogalvanic baths in patients with lumbosacral radi-culopathy]. Vestnik vosstanovitelnoj mediciny. 2019: 1: 33 – 4 (In Russ.)
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4. Kaurkin S.N., Skvorcov D.V., Ivanova G.E. Dinamika funkcii plechevogo sustava v ostrom periode cerebralnogo insulta v processe vosstanovitelnogo lecheniya [Dynamics of shoulder joint function in the acute period of cerebral stroke during rehabilitation treatment]. Vestnik vosstanovitelnoj me-diciny. 2016: 2: 33 – 39. (In Russ.)
5. Skvorcov D.V., Kaurkin S.N., Ivanova G.E. Elektromiografi cheskoe issledovanie myshc v klinicheskom analize dvizhenij plechevogo sustava [Elec-tromyographic study of muscles in the clinical analysis of shoulder joint movements]. Vestnik vosstanovitelnoj mediciny. 2015: 4: 75 – 78. (In Russ.)