Methods of Physiotherapy in the Medical Rehabilitation of Children with Primary Arterial Hypertension


Kuyantseva L.V.1,Turova E.A.1,Trunina I.I.2,Petrova M.S.3,Lomaga I.A.4


1. Moscow Scientific Practical Center of Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine, Moscow, Russian Federation

2. Children’s city hospital of Z.A. Bashlyaevа, Moscow, Russian Federation

3. The Main Medical Department of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

4. Children’s city hospital of N.F. Filatov Moscow Department of Healthcare, Moscow, Russian Federation


Introduction. Arterial hypertension (AH) is a widely occurring disease of the cardiovascular system in the children’s population, which often debuts in childhood, persists into adulthood, which dictates the need for early treatment and prevention of arterial hypertension. The formation of AH is associated with maladaptation of physiological mechanisms of self-regulation, with a complex interaction of psychosocial and genetic factors. The use of non-medicinal agents to reduce blood pressure is a starting approach in the treatment of children and adolescents with hypertension and complements medication therapy. Purpose. analysis of literature sources on the effectiveness of hardware physiotherapy methods in the treatment of hypertension in children. Discussion. In the treatment of children with hypertension, the leading role belongs to hardware physiotherapy technologies. Widely used sedative, hypotensive and vegetative-corrective methods are pathogenetically justified and can be used at all stages of arterial hypertension development. Transcranial pulsed electrotherapy (transcranial electrostimulation, electroson, infitotherapy), darsonvalization, aromafitotherapy and medicinal electrophoresis of sedatives belong sedative methods aimed at enhancing inhibitory processes in the Central nervous system. Amplipulster therapy, intermittent normobaric hypoxytherapy, low-intensity magnetic therapy, medicinal electrophoresis of spasmolytic drugs, EHF therapy, laser therapy, which lead to a decrease in arterial hypertension and improve microcirculation, are hypotensive methods. Bio-controlled aerionotherapy, aimed at correcting vegetative dysfunction, is a vegetative corrective method. Conclusion. Currently, there is a wide range of scientifically-based methods of hardware physiotherapy used in the medical rehabilitation of children with arterial hypertension, allowing to improve cerebral hemodynamics, normalize neurophysiological and hemodynamic processes in the Central nervous system, provide sedative and hypotensive effects, stimulate peripheral vasodepressor mechanisms, normalize neuroendocrine processes. The use of hardware physiotherapy methods in the complex treatment of hypertension can improve the quality of life of patients, achieve stable normalization of blood pressure, and reduce the risk of early cardiovascular diseases.


National Medical Research Center For Rehabilitation And Balneology


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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