INTRODUCTION. The relevance and importance of the problem of inflammatory bowel diseases is associated with a chronic, recurrent course and a steady increase in morbidity. With a complicated course of the disease, extensive operations on the intestine, this leads to disability, reduced working capacity and social adaptation. It is important to note that the maximum number of cases occurs at a young age and increasingly diseases are detected in childhood.
OBSERVATIONS. Based on the analysis of the literature using Russian and foreign sources on the use of non-drug methods in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, it is noted that, despite the constant improvement of drug treatment methods, including the active development of genetic engineering therapy, the search for effective methods and ways to optimize the treatment with the use of non-drug technologies continues.
CONCLUSION. Long-term course of inflammatory bowel diseases is associated with a possible risk of side effects from drug therapy and a decrease in the quality of life of patients. Therefore, the use of non-drug methods in the treatment of IBD in adults and children is relevant at the moment. Data on the use of a number of methods, including non-invasive, in the treatment of this category of patients are presented. High potential, promising direction, a small number of side effects show the need for further research and observations.
National Medical Research Center For Rehabilitation And Balneology
Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
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