The Streamers Dynamics Study by an Intelligent System Based on Neural Networks


Khodja Fouad1,Mimoun Younes1,Kherfane Riad Lakhdar1


1. Department of engineering, University Djillali Liabes, Sidi Belabes , Algeria


The formation and propagation of streamers is an important precursor to determine the characteristics of electrical breakdown of many HV electrode configurations. Understanding of the study of the interaction between the polymer surface and the development process of the streamer is of major importance when we want to improve internal and external performance insulation systems. In this context, a numerical tool using neural networks is developed. This model allows evaluating the speed of streamers as a function of the amplitude of voltage initiation and the nature of the insulating materials. For this, a database was created to train the neural model from a laboratory model. This investigation builds a database for predicting the propagation of streamers on the polymers surface by different neuronal methods and this presents an interesting tool for estimating the propagation phenomena in functions of very important parameters


North Atlantic University Union (NAUN)

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