1. Ad-hoc Electronic Attendance Checking System Based on BLE Beacon
2. Mobile Attendance System using Bluetooth Signal Strength
3. M. Y. Bae, D. J. Cho, and H. K. Lim, “Automatic Attendance Check System Using QR Code Based on Smartphone,” in Proceeding of the 2014 KIIT Summer Conference, Cheonan, pp. 256-258, May 2014.
4. T. S. Han, J. H. Kim, S. I. Kim, H. J. Jeon, K. H. Park, and Y. H. Kim, “Smart Phone-Serial Authentication Based the Attendance Management System for the Prevention of Proxy Attendance,” in Proceedings of the 2013 KIIT Summer Conference, Asan, pp. 207-210, May 2013.