1. Discussion on Legalization of Photo-Information Abolition for Preventing Discrimination against Women·Appearance in the Recruitment Process
2. KnNews. 62% of applicants were rejected because of their resume photo... why [Internet]. Available: http://knnws.com/news/view.php?idx=7527
3. JobKorea. Is your resume photo still important? [Internet]. Available: https://www.jobkorea.co.kr/goodjob/tip/view?News_No=16615&schCtgr=120005&Page=95
4. The Hankyoreh. Interviewers look at 'impression' rather than 'appearance' [Internet]. Available: https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/economy/working/70096.html
5. JobKorea. Spending 287,000 won per month on job preparation for job seekers [Internet]. Available: https://www.jobkorea.co.kr/goodjob/tip/view?News_No=15886