1. Korean National Police Agency. Variable Speed Limit System Installation and Operation Manual [Internet]. Available: https://www.police.go.kr/user/bbs/BD_selectBbs.do?q_bbsCode=1001&q_bbscttSn=20201204145314396.
2. S.-H. Hwang and S.-J. Hong, A Study of Variable Speed Limit Operation Strategy, Korea National Police Agency, Seoul, Research Report, May 2011.
3. G. Bunting, 40km/h Variable Speed Limits in School Zones - Guidelines, NZ Transport Agency, Wellington, New Zealand, Traffic Note 37, May 2011.
4. Korea Road Traffic Authority, A Study on Flexible Regulatory Measures for Speed Control of School Zones, Author, Wonju, Internal Report, February 2023.
5. Effectiveness Analysis of Variable Speed Limit Systems(VSL) in Work Zones based on Meta-analysis