1. 1) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: The present conditions and role of the nursing-care insurance system. 2013, pp 1–6 (in Japanese).
2. 2) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Long-term care prevention project manual. 2012, pp 1–13 (in Japanese).
3. 3) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Investigation results of implementation status of long-term care prevention project and comprehensive projects on care prevention/daily life support (community support projects). http//www.mhlw.go.jp/seisakunitsuite/bunya/hukushi-kaigo/kaigo kou (Accessed Apr. 10, 2013)
4. 4) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Prospects of the effects of long-term care prevention project in the fifth-term Insured Long-Term Care Service Plans 2013. http//www.mhlw.go.jp/topic/kaigo/osirase/hokenjigyou/05/dl/yobou (Accessed Sep. 5, 2013)
5. 5) Japanese Orthopaedic Association: http//www.joa.or.jp/public/index.html (Accessed Aug. 21, 2013)