The Role of Daily Spiritual Experiences on Moslem Students’ Friendship Mediated by Religious Coping in Wellness Paradigm


Muarifah Alif,Naini Rohmatus,Prasetiawan Hardi,Fitria Erlin,Atikasari Tsabitah Rizqi,Zakiyah Tasya Amin


This research describes the wellness paradigm. Holistic health in wellness means health in many areas, including physical, psychological, social and spiritual health. The wheel of wellness is a holistic health picture of the wellness paradigm, with 17 supporting components, the core being spirituality or religiosity. This study focuses on adolescents who have unique period development such as in social development. This research analyzes daily spiritual experiences related to students' friendships mediated by religious coping. This quantitative research involved 246 Muslim high school students aged 14-18 years and in grades 10 to 12. There are three scales with valid and reliable instruments such as 1) the friendship scale 2) the religious coping scale and 3) the spiritual experience scale. Hypothesis testing found that spiritual experience and religious coping had a low contribution but a significant in affecting friendship, it means that spiritual experiences and religious coping influence friendship patterns. Interestingly, spiritual experience plays a significant role and contributes highly to affect religious coping. The contribution of spiritual experience to friendship increases when mediated by religious coping. This shows that religious coping has a partial mediating role in the relationship between spiritual experience and friendship.


Institut Agama Islam Ma arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung







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