This study aims to determine the role of organizational-based Psychological Ownership (PO) in the relationship between Authentic Leadership (AL), Islamic Workplace Spirituality (IWS) and Affective Commitment (AC) of Kiai’s followers/subordinates in Pesantren in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Regarding the direct relationship between variables, some of the findings in this study include: AL is positively and significantly related to PO and AC; so is the relationship between IWS and PO; and the relationship between IWS and AC is found to be insignificant. As for the mediating role, PO is proven to fully mediate the relationship between AL - AC, and IWS - AC. This indicates that PO is one of the key factors in the formation of AC, especially in the relationship between IWS and AC. At the same time, as a novelty in this study, PO as a mediating variable between AL and AC is a new finding that previous studies have not used. This study also proposes some theoretical and practical implications that can be expected to benefit researchers and organizational leaders.
Institut Agama Islam Ma arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung
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