Development of Ethnomathematics-Based Learning Media Material Two-Variable Linear Equation System


Almeizha Tamari ,Nida Sri Utami


This study intends to investigate the impact of ethnomathematics on students' comprehension of a system of linear equations with two variables. Ethnomathematics is a way of learning mathematics that involves adapting mathematical concepts to the customs or culture of a particular population. The regional cuisine of Wonogiri serves as an example of the ethnomathematics culture studied in this study. The raw materials used to make food are used in research on regional cuisine from Wonogiri since the food composition varies depending on the region. The ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) method is employed in this study. The subject of this study is presented in PowerPoint as a two-variable linear equation system made up of ethnomathematics. SMPN 2 Giriwoyo pupils in grade VIII served as the study's subjects. Learners, media experts, material specialists, and math education professionals all paid close attention to this study. The information was gathered via a questionnaire and practice questions completed by 23 students and the validation of experts and learning practitioners. Students' comprehension of the subject matter of two-variable linear equations is improved, and their motivation to learn is raised by using PowerPoint learning materials based on ethnomathematics. Additionally, the creation of ethnomathematics-based PowerPoint teaching resources contributes to the preservation of local culture.


Institut Agama Islam Ma arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung

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