The importance of energy supply for both end-users and electricity distribution entities, as well as the need for reliable energy quality parameters, is significant. This study delves into scenarios where these parameters cannot be met, outlining formulas for calculating compensation and other financial obligations that distribution companies may incur. The study highlights various types of interruptions that disrupt energy supply continuity within electricity distribution networks and elucidates their impacts on the network infrastructure. The establishment of alternative energy sources and the enhancement of the network infrastructure through coupling are recommended to mitigate the consequences of these interruptions. Investments in alternative energy sources and network improvements are compared to penalty amounts incurred when the quality parameters for energy supply continuity cannot be met. The F13/F14 Ring Network, a proposed coupling approach that can improve energy supply, is identified and its installation costs are compared with the existing conditions. Additionally, the magnitude of fines that distribution companies may potentially face is estimated. As a result, a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis is conducted, integrating these comparisons to evaluate the economic sustainability and advantages associated with the proposed F13/F14 Ring Network coupling method.
Turkish Journal of Engineering