Muchlis Andre,Ridwan Wrastawa,Nasibu Iskandar Zulkarnain
CNC Laser (Computer Numerical Control) adalah alat yang memiliki fungsi untuk mengukir/mencetak berbagai tulisan dan kaliqrafi secara otomatis berdasarkan media yang digunakan seperti Acrilic, Fiber, Almunium, dan kayu. Perancangan CNC laser menggunakan metode Design For Assembly Boothroyd (DFA), G-Code, dan Closed Loop System (Loop Tertutup). Kelebihan metode DFA yaitu mengestimasikan pengurangan waktu perakitan. Metode G-Code lebih ke menyatukan gerakan yang akan di lakukan mesin, seperti bergeser ke titik A, titik B. Kemudian pada metode Closed Loop System (Loop Tertutup) bekerja mengirim sinyal umpan balik ke pengendali untuk mengecilkan kesalahan sistem. Hasil pengujian dari komponen pada masing-masing alat secara keseluruhan berupa input dan output menjadi kesatuan alat mesin CNC laser cutting dan engraver. Software GRBL dihubungkan pada CNC shild. GRBL mengirim G-Code ke arduino dan menerjemahkan isi dari G-Code satu persatu untuk menghasilkan pergerakan motor stepper dan cahaya laser. Telah didapatkan sistem pengontrolan mesin laser engravir yang bisa menggerakkan mesin kearah dua sumbu X dan Y, yang tersusun dari beberapa komponen yaitu komputer, kontroler arduino nano, motor stepper, laser module, power supplay dan emergency stop. Pengujian laser engraver dilakukan dengan medium plywood dan berbagai pola gambar. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan alat dapat bekerja sesuai dengan pola gambar yang ada.CNC Laser (Computer Numerical Control) tools that have a function to automatically engrave / print various writings and kaliqrafi based on the media used such as Acrilic, Fiber, Aluminum, and wood. CNC laser design uses the Design For Assembly Boothroyd (DFA), G-Code, and Closed Loop System (Closed Loop) method. The advantage of the DFA method is that it estimates the reduced assembly time. The G-Code method is more about unifying the movements that the machine will do, such as moving from point A to point B. Then the Closed Loop System method works to send a feedback signal to the controller to minimize system errors. The test results of the components on each tool as a whole are in the form of input and output into a unity of the CNC laser cutting and engraver machine tool. GRBL software is linked to the CNC shild. The GRBL sends the G-Code to the Arduino and translates the contents of the G-Code one by one to produce stepper motor movement and laser light. A schematic of a laser engraving machine control system that is able to move the machine towards two axes X and Y, which is composed of several components, namely a computer, Arduino nano controller, stepper motor, laser module, power supply and emergency stop. Laser engraver testing was carried out using plywood and various image patterns. The test results show that the tool can work in accordance with existing image patterns.
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
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