This study aims to analyse systematically the articles on teaching biology and concerning style classification which were published in international and national journals according to criteria set. For this purpose, articles of style classification which were conducted in the period between 1990 and 2022 and directed to teaching biology at pre-school, primary school, secondary school and higher education levels were reached. 48 articles published in international journals and 88 articles published in national journals were put to content analysis within the scope of the study. They were considered in terms of their theoretical framework, key words they had, methods they used, types of data sources used in their sample, the countries where they were conducted and the years when they were conducted and the conclusions they reached according to the criteria set in the sub-problems. It was found accordingly that mostly activity-based styles were examined, that “learning style(s)” were the most frequently used key words, that the research mostly used quantitative methods and that they were mostly conducted with the participation of teachers. It was also found that the articles published in international journals were mostly conducted in Turkey. The articles were observed to increase as of 2013. The results of journal articles research analysed in the final sub-problem were given in detail in four categories. This current study makes various recommendations for style classification studies concerning biology teaching.
Journal of Education and Future
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