Contribution of Choir Practices to the Integration Process of Immigrant Students




1. Uludağ University, Turkey

2. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi


This study aimed to identify to what extent the choirpractices implemented in schools contributed to the integration process of immigrant students. In this study, action research, one of the qualitative research methods, was used as the research design and homogeneous sampling method. It is one of the purposeful sampling types, as the sample group. A questionnaire form consisting of 12 open-ended questions and a demographic information form with three questions were applied to the study group. Content analysis was used to analyze the interviewdata. In line with the findings obtained in this study, it was found that the choir practices implemented in schools contributed to the sense of belonging of immigrant students and their recognition in their social environment. The choir practices generated positive emotions that supported students’ self-confidence, personal and spiritual development. It was revealed that choir practice had positive contributions to students' Turkish reading, writing, and speaking skills, the development of their vocabulary, acquisition of cooperative working habits and family and peer relations. In line with these results obtained, it was also found that some of the participants included in the choir practice were exposed to peer bullying.


Journal of Education and Future

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