Analysis of Articles Published in 2019 and 2020 within the Scope of Education Policies, Management and Leadership


KILIÇ İsmail1,YAVUZ Mustafa1




This research aimed to evaluate the researches in the Ecucational Administration Quarterly (EAQ), Educational Management Administration & Leadership (EMAL), Educational Policy (EP) journals according to the theme, method, quality and quantity of the articles published in 2019 and 2020. The data used in the research were collected by document analysis, one of the qualitative research techniques; It was analyzed with the help of frequency and categorical analysis using descriptive analysis method. In this study, the themes are predetermined as research design-method, purpose and subject, study group, and analysis of data. As a result of the analysis, it has been observed that qualitative research has dominated recently in educational research, content and document analysis has gained weight in the analysis of research, different sub-leadership titles have increased in the main theme of leadership in research issues, and new topics are included in a problem-based broad school perspective. It was concluded that teachers, school administrators, students, and documents related to school processes were handled as the study group, and mostly document analysis and accordingly content analysis were used in the analysis of the data. It has been observed that the most contribution to the articles published in the journals came from the USA from North America, and it took place in certain proportions in researches conducted in other parts of the world. The findings can be interpreted as guiding researchers and practitioners in the field of educational policies, management and leadership.


Journal of Education and Future


General Medicine

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