The Effects of Organizational Culture and Transformational Leadership on Worker Performance at the Lebak Regency Ministry of Religious Affairs Office with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable


Maswanto ,Husainah Nazifah,Risyadi Ilham Irsyad


This study uses job satisfaction as an intervening variable to examine how corporate culture and “transformational” leadership affect employee performance. The Civil Servant of the Lebak Regency’s Ministry of Religious Affairs is the subject of this study. The survey was completed by 105 people in total. A sample of 140 government officials working at the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Lebak Regency and KUA of Lebak Regency was selected using the Slovin formula. Purposive sampling is the method of sampling that is employed. The partial least squares method, or SmartPLS, was used to analyze the data using path analysis. The study’s findings demonstrate that employment satisfaction has a positive and significant relationship with transformational leadership, organizational power has a positive and significant relationship with job satisfaction, and employee performance has a positive and significant relationship with organizational culture. In the meantime, organizational culture through work happiness has a favorable and significant impact on employee performance, as does transformational leadership through job satisfaction. Additionally, job happiness and corporate culture through transformational leadership have a stronger impact on worker performance than employee performance is directly impacted by company culture and transformational leadership without having to. Meanwhile, transformational leadership has a favorable and significant effect on employee performance through work satisfaction, and organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction. Furthermore, the influence of transformational leadership and organizational culture on employee performance through job satisfaction is greater than the influence of transformational leadership and organizational culture directly on employee performance without going through the variable of job satisfaction.


European Open Science Publishing

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